Wednesday, January 14, 2009

newfound loves

1. Garter stitch. After knitting two blankets, being on my third and have yarn and planned for a fourth, it is safe to say I cannot get enough of miles upon miles of garter stitch. I get a hell of a lot of knitting done when I really don't have to think about what I'm doing. Those 47 million times during the day when I have a spare 30 seconds I can pick up my knitting and knit 12 stitches and not have to worry about where I'm leaving off. Ah, bliss. And then I can crank through it after the wee one goes to bed and I am watching TV.

2. Mufflers. Of the kind you wrap around your neck, not the car variety. On a whim yesterday because of our so-cold-it-hurts-to-breath temperatures this week, I decided to knit Scoot a wee scarf. I found a muffler pattern, which would be a cozy muffler on an adult, but makes for an even cozier scarf for a tot. (I refuse to take him outdoors in these temperatures unless absolutely necessary, but unfortunately he starts a class on Friday, so alas, we shall have to venture out.) Scarves are not generally the done thing for toddlers since they're likely to strangle themselves with one, but tucked into his jacket for quick jaunts outside, I suspect he'll survive. I finished it up tonight whilst watching Brideshead Revisited (the new one, not the miniseries version) and decided to wrap it around my own neck because I was freezing (despite being wrapped up in layers upon layers) and Lo. I think I need to make a muffler for myself for wearing around the house. Much less get-in-the-way-y than a scarf. I also envision wearing mine to bed at night to keep me toasty (and again, lacking the strangulation factor of wearing a scarf to bed).


Mari said...

I should send you my unfinished blanket to do for me. :) Garter stitch, garter, stitch, and more garter stitch!

TheBlackSheep said...

Garter stitch? Really? I can stand a certain amount, but then it gets boring. Of course, like you said, for something to knit in your spare min., it's great (but then so is a plain phone sock...:D)

Have you ever considered a cowl for William? No ends to strangle yourself with. I do have to admit though, that I prefer the bought ones made from fleece and stretchy fabric. They keep you really warm and there are no ends to fall down.